Easy (short) additions to any email.

Easy additions to any email or electronic communication that add back in a human touch, allows us to signal friendliness, and create connection with others in our new “virtual” world when face to face interactions are less common.  Think of these as what you would have said if you stopped by someone’s office or ran into them in the hallway. 

(Yes, in the following I do mean the exclamation points, they help us express emotion something we usually signal via non-verbal behavior. More on this in another post…) 


Hi John,         Hello!             Hey John!                 Dear John, 

Email openers (these help you build a relationship, and signal empathy):

~How are you?       ~How was your weekend?         ~How’s your day going?

~What’s your week like?             ~Have anything fun planned for the weekend?

~How’s the situation you were telling me about?   ~I hope you are doing well! 

~Did you get a break over the weekend?    ~How was your partner/kid’s event? 

State upfront what is the email for:  

  • Is this a request or just providing information?

  • Is a response required?

  • Is the response or request time sensitive, if so say when it is needed? 

Making a requests (firmly, politely):

  • Could you please respond by Friday?

  • Please have the following done by…

  • I know you are busy, but I will need this soon! Thank you!

Showing appreciation:

~Thank you!                ~I really appreciate your work on this!  

~I really appreciate the time you took to help me out!

~I know this isn’t a fun task, and I appreciate your hard work! 

~WOW, thanks for your hard work!      

~Thank you so much for your quick response!

Email sign offs:

Take care!             Have a great day!            Cheers!                     Best, 

I hope you have a good weekend/night! 

(we will leave Warmest regards, and Best wishes to you, for the Schitts Creek folks!😂)  


Being Polite: the social lubricant


Building civility.